Monday, February 21, 2011

TLC SEEKING FABULOUS "PUMA" WITH GREAT STORY TO SHARE (woman in her 30s who dates men in their 20s)

TLC's ground-breaking and provocative series "Strange Sex" is looking for amazing and unique stories about love, intimacy, attraction and sex!

The Learning Channel is hoping to feature a story about an extraordinary woman who proudly identifies as a Puma (a woman in her 30's who only dates men in their 20s) to share their story as part of a documentary series.

We are looking for a "Puma" who have overcome extreme odds, a harrowing personal struggle, intense heartbreak or loss, or a severe medical condition and now she is taking advantage of a new start and making the most of their sex life!! Alternatively, we are seeking a Puma who is currently going through a difficult time in their life, but has found an outlet and renewed energy from dating younger men!

If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your story as part of the show, please email a photo and information about yourself to



TLC's ground-breaking and provocative series "Strange Sex" is looking for amazing and unique stories about love, intimacy, attraction and sex!

We are currently seeking men who are sexually attracted to extremely muscular and fit women, as well as women who are proud of their rock hard physique who could share their story about dating, sex, and intimacy as part of the show.  Ideally, we would like to feature a couple with a muscular woman and a man who is crazy about her and her fit body.  We are interested in exploring the sexual attraction and the unique issues that impact their relationship and sex life.

The series aims to educate the viewer by shedding light on unique or little understood real-life experiences, relationships, and lifestyles.  The show is sex positive and we know that topics we explore might be shared among members of our audience who'd appreciate the subjects being brought to light, and the erasing of any associated misconceptions or myths.

Each story is told entirely through the words of the participants and sometimes friends/family depending on the story. It is documentary programming at its heart, and the production company remains neutral on each story we cover.  There is no narration, but the show is driven by the very personal accounts given by participants.  The title is a play on the idea that these topics/stories my seem "strange" to some people at first, but through relatable story telling, the concept of "strange" is lifted and understanding and sensitivity is developed. 

The filming in no way takes over the participant’s life - and usually occurs over 2-3 days.  We also offer a modest compensation of $1000 as a thank you for their time.  In addition, everything that we will film with the participants is discussed at length with them to determine what is appropriate and comfortable.

If you are a man who LOVES muscular female bodies or a woman who is extremely fit and proud of her sexy physique and would like to share your story about dating, love, and sex as part of the show, please email!